Since the introduction of Uxcel’s designer Skill Graph 2.0, thousands of designers have successfully quantified and visualized their design skills by taking our core design skill assessments. The assessments that were carefully crafted by our content team, enhanced with the help of industry experts, and calibrated by 100K+ completions by the design community.

Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re taking skill-building with Uxcel to the next level.

From now on, the process of building your Skill Graph will become much more natural, comprehensive, and accurate. Every lesson quiz you take, every challenge you submit, every skill assessment you complete, and every certificate you gain will contribute to building up a respective skill.

We have implemented an intelligent system of scoring each of these actions depending on their skill measurement impact. The system educates itself with more completion by the community so that the Skill Graph will become more accurate over time.

The most beautiful part — it’s 100% Free!

Now, if you’re an existing member — go ahead and explore how does your skill set look like. Not a member yet? — start building your Skill Graph for free.